Our baby girl is 9 months old tomorrow!! I'm sitting here wondering where in the world time could have gone!! Am I really planning her 1st birthday party already? It cannot be possible! Just yesterday I was giving birth to a beautiful, tiny little baby girl and now it's time to plan her 1st party!! Unbelievable!!
It has been an amazing journey watching her grow up these past 9 months!! She can now crawl anywhere she wants to go! She is standing all the time, and she even stands for a few seconds by herself at times!! She loves to laugh and play and make silly faces!! She has a total of 8 teeth right now, 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom!! She is quickly outgrowing 9 month size clothes and has been wearing some 12 month sizes for a while now! There were lots of things she either didn't get to wear at all, or only got to wear a couple times! This little girl loves everything you give her to eat!! She loves food!! She is not a fan of the pureed "baby" food anymore, so we have been feeding her more food off our plates than from a jar. I still make her own food a little bit, but she eats like a pro and loves real food!!
Oh how she loves to play in the water! Not just at bath time! She loves the pool and splashing water everywhere! She has played both in the kiddie section of the water park, and in the "big people's" pool at our friends house! I'm so glad she loves the water! We haven't taken her to the beach yet, and I wonder how she will do with the sand and the sound of the waves crashing!
Sleeping is a challenge some nights!! Getting her to sleep at a decent time is the bigger challenge! Some nights she goes right to sleep & some nights it's 2 in the morning before that happens. We are trying to cut out that late afternoon nap, but sometimes it just has to happen!!
We have also been teaching her to sign! She can sign mama, yes, bathroom, "what up", and "puffs" (her own made up sign). We are still working on daddy, milk, food/eat, hungry, and water. She has verbally said "dada" and just last night "mama"...of course it's more like a string of sounds with those mixed in!
Her beautiful blue eyes have stayed and her blonde hair has some curl to it!! Ad this little girl loves music of all kinds! She dances and "sings" with it!
All in all, our tiny baby is growing up into a beautiful little girl!!
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