Originally written in 2010.....
".......Nothing extraordinary happened
in my childhood. Became a Christian when I was a child but it wasn't until Look Up as a teen that I began to understand what it meant to
really live for Christ. I was always highly involved in all aspects of church so I
knew all the right answers etc.
So I grew up in church (Nanny
made sure of it); was home schooled until high school; graduated in 2004 from SHS; went through two
major church splits. Got married (first time) in 2005 at
twenty and completed that divorce by 25. And I've been in 4 churches in my lifetime.
I really didn't pay attention to
watching God work in my life until the last two years. I've watched Him bring
amazing goodness out of a heart-wrenching and devastating church split which
became this amazing group of people called Catalyst. I've watched Him bring me
from the pit of despair with my divorce to life after. To finding joy and hope
again. I've watched Him provide for me over and over when it seemed like nothing
was going to work. I've watched him do amazing things in all our lives over and
over. And I truly believe that in the early stages of my divorce that if it hadn't been for Catalyst, I may have seriously fallen into depression. That’s how
devastated I was. But looking back and knowing what I know now I am eternally grateful God pulled me out of that relationship when He did and I’m so glad I
chose to cling to Him through all of it. I wouldn't be who I am today if it hadn't been for that. The love and the encouragement and hope that Catalyst has poured
out on me has been amazing. ......"
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