Two dogs, a cat, a husband, and myself. That's who makes up my household. Three bedrooms, 2 bath, 1300 SF, front porch with a swing, fenced backyard...that is our house. In the neighborhood I grew up, surrounded by people I've known my entire life. In the town where I've lived for 16 years, in the state where I've spent all but 3 years of my life. A wife, daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, great-granddaughter, daughter- & granddaughter-in-law, best friend, good friend, co-worker...that is me. A dreamer, a writer, a singer, a Christian, a lover...that is me. Basic things that make up my life. "A hope and a future" from the only God who exists; "a love everlasting" from a Father who holds me in the palm of his hand. A desire to make the world a better place; a heart and passion for music, a love for reading, and writing. A published author, a poet; a daughter of the King. Trying to find my place in this world, learning to walk the Lighted path; running through fields of Peace, skipping through brooks of Joy, falling into Arms of Love, blessed by Mercy, finding "Amazing Grace" at every turn, holding on to the "Power in the Blood".
The years have gone by at what seems to be such a rapid pace. We must slow down, twirl around like carefree children in the wind, run through fields of wildflowers with no cares in the world, splash through the river like fish in the sea, walk by streams of clear, cold, crisp water, dance in the shower of the heavens, fall into autumn leaves, sit on the edge of a mountain and watch the sun rise and set, hold on to our loved ones like there's no tomorrow, hug our friends, and pray hard!
I Love You. Nana