It has been a beautiful day, even though it was rainy! My best friend--the one I went to high school with-- got married today!! It was absolutely beautiful! Even though I wasn't part of the wedding party, I was still there to help them get ready! I wouldn't have missed it for the world! We had a lot of fun!! The wedding itself was beautiful and the reception brought on a lot of laughs and many tears! I wish the happy couple the absolute best!
All weddings make me think of mine! There's a lot that I would change if I could do it over! I think I would've tried to have an outside wedding; possibly at the camp where we met, or on the beach, or just on the waterfront. Then again, for that season of life that we were in, where we had it was perfect. Still, I can't help but think of what I would do different! There would've been one or two different people in the wedding party, I would've worn different shoes, might have even had my hair a bit straighter with waves instead of curls. I definitely would've had a different photographer!! I did not get all the shots that I wanted! I might've even had different colors, then again I'm not sure. Most of this is coming from how I've changed in the last 3 years. My tastes have changed in many areas of life and I think that is where most of these thoughts are coming from. Yet again, for that season of life that we were in...the majority of what we did and how we did was just right.
Weddings are very special, especially when it is someone you love getting married. I cannot believe how much we have all grown up. It just doesn't seem possible. Just yesterday we were in the beginning of our freshman year, weren't we? Now we are grown and married. *Sigh* Where does the time go? How do the years pass so quickly?'s about change. So, chica, as you read this, remember to treasure each day as if its your last. Say "I Love You" as many times as you can. Honesty is the best policy & don't stay mad at each is too short and too precious! Save for the future, but live for today. I love you & Congratulations!! Let God be the head of your household; cling to Him in the good and the bad. ~~I love you!~~