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Friday, August 17, 2012

Must Do!

Just a short blog...more for my sake than yours much to do and time keeps getting away from me! Usually if I write it down it gets done quicker!!

  • I need to seriously sit down and research pediatricians for this baby girl!!
  • I need to rewrite my resume cover letter and start applying for jobs at Christian day-cares. If I have to work I want to be in a Christian setting and if I have to put my baby in daycare I want it to be where I'm at if at all possible. 
  • I need to research daycare centers. 
  • I need to blog..both on my Chaos blog and on this one here!
  • Hubby and I need to put together the bunk beds in the girls' room so we can figure out how much room is leftover for baby stuff!! Plus it needs to be reorganized!
  • I need to pick up the pace a bit on the blanket I'm crocheting for Kensei!
  • Critter nails need to be trimmed & monthly meds need to be given!!!!
  • Oil change needs to happen for at least one car before our trip home!!
  • I seriously need a good manicure for my terribly destroyed nails!
  • I'm waiting on my 3 ring binders to arrive so I can redo at least one scrapbook and hopefully get it put on a shelf instead of sitting in a basket!
  • Still working on cleaning out FB friends, blocking a few, and creating lists to get junk out of my newsfeed!! Then I just have to remember to go look at those lists LOL!!
  • Same with Pinterest. I've been creating new boards and organizing those and deleting pins I don't want/don't like/links don't work, etc!
  • I need to keep writing for my childrens books and look into some local writing classes (for me) and art classes (for hubby). 
So lots to do and I'm feeling a panic attack coming on with the whirlwind of this list, plus the whirlwind of hours I'm working between now and the next two weeks!! At least at the end of those two weeks we get to go home for a mini vacation and get to see family and I get to get my hair cut!! :)