***This is from my facebook page! thought it would be fun to post here!!****
Here's how it works as written by the person who tagged me... I'm not sure where this original project started but I got tagged and decided to continue it by tagging those of you whom I consider to be great friends or I haven't heard from you in a while and would love to hear what you have to say. Hope you'll play along because it would/will be fun hearing from you.
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. ...love to watch CSI: Miami & NY & Grey's Anatomy
2. ...do not have cable TV; Channels 2, 4, 5, & 7 are all I get! And they only come in on ONE tv....and I NEVER am "in charge" of the remote....go figure!
3. ...have pretty much given up sodas.
4. ...am dying to get debt paid off! GO DAVE RAMSEY!
5. ...love, love, love to read!!
6. ...wish I had a bigger house and lots of land!
7. ...was born in Fairbanks, AK...dont' believe me? ask my Mom!
8. ...absolutely love the smell of fresh clean sheets!
9. ...am 23, married, and still sleep with my childhood teddy bear!! yes, no lie! tease if you will......
10. ...would sit and read for hours if I could.
11. ..have lived in the same neighborhood for almost 17 years minus 8 months.
12. ...live next door to my grandparents and 4 doors down from my parents.
13. ..hate to get out of bed in the mornings but love being up early!
14. ...hate to be out in the dark alone...even on my front porch!
15. ...cannot stand backyard breeders or people who wont get their animals fixed!! Maybe they should go look at the shelters and see where their puppies end up! There should be strict, mandatory tests to pass for anyone to breed & there should be a nationwide LAW that any dog/cat not for breeding is to be fixed!! (ok stepping off the soapbox now!
16. ...am a poet and an author...and have 3 more books in my head!
17. ...cannot stand my house to be dirty or unorganized!
18. ...have never broken a bone in my body or had measles/chicken pox, etc (and pray I never do!).
19. ...love cucumbers but hate pickles!
20. ...am determined to lose this extra weight this year so I can feel better about myself AND wear a bathing suit this summer!!!
21. ...love playing the piano but really can't play very well!
22. ...paid for my own wedding ring...haha...just the way the credit limits worked out!!
23. ...love, love, love Eeyore, GRITS (Girl Raised in the South); anything with the Palmetto emblem; monogrammed initials....anything girly!
24. ...would love to go to Florida to see white sand and clear water; Montana/Colorado to see rolling green meadows in the mountains; Kentucky to see the bluegrass and the Kentucky Derby; Maine to see the tip top of the East Coast; Chincoteague to see the Chincoteague ponies; Alaska to see my family and re-experience it; Disney World because, well, its Disney World!!
25. ...wish I had gone to college....& have secretly thought about going back to school...not much of a secret anymore huh?

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Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Favorite Things & "Mama Mia"
I have been wanting to write a blog for a while about "a few of my favorite things". But first I have to say that "Mama Mia" is an awesome movie!! It truly does not turn out the way you think it will and even though its a "musical" is a VERY AWESOME movie!! If you haven't watched it, you should probably go rent it tonight!!
Back to my list of favorite things:
"These are a few of my favorite things..."
*Fresh, clean sheets & clean pj's
*Early spring and late fall when the air is cool and crisp with a breeze
*Fall colors
*Spring flowers
*Purples, Teals/Turquoise, & Earth tone colors
*Horses & Hummingbirds
*Boxer dogs
*Orange Cats (and all cats)
*Cast Iron Skillets
*A hot shower after playing in a cold rain
*Good music on the radio, my Ipod, CD's, etc
*A package in the mail
*Fuzzy Socks
*A good book
*Horseback Riding
*Nature photos
*Sunsets on the beach
*Sunsets in the fall
*Sunsets anywhere
*The mountains
*Clean Car Smell
*Having a clean car inside and out
*Clean Linen/Cotton scents
*Flowers in bloom....honeysuckle, wisteria, tulips, daffodils, roses,
*A good chic flick
*Chocolate...ice cream/frozen yogurt, candy, M&M's, milkshakes, cookies, cake, ....
*Rainy Days when I can stay home and be lazy
*Being organized!
*Checking off a list
*A cold glass of milk
*A long walk in the woods
*Dinner or Lunch with good friends
*Double Rainbows
*Aurora Borealis
*A Good Hairday
*Dressing up with somewhere to go
*Beach scents
*Walking on the beach Barefoot!!
*Watching Dolphins play
*Camping on the Hill
*My front porch swing
There is much more to add to my list but this will get you started!
Back to my list of favorite things:
"These are a few of my favorite things..."
*Fresh, clean sheets & clean pj's
*Early spring and late fall when the air is cool and crisp with a breeze
*Fall colors
*Spring flowers
*Purples, Teals/Turquoise, & Earth tone colors
*Horses & Hummingbirds
*Boxer dogs
*Orange Cats (and all cats)
*Cast Iron Skillets
*A hot shower after playing in a cold rain
*Good music on the radio, my Ipod, CD's, etc
*A package in the mail
*Fuzzy Socks
*A good book
*Horseback Riding
*Nature photos
*Sunsets on the beach
*Sunsets in the fall
*Sunsets anywhere
*The mountains
*Clean Car Smell
*Having a clean car inside and out
*Clean Linen/Cotton scents
*Flowers in bloom....honeysuckle, wisteria, tulips, daffodils, roses,
*A good chic flick
*Chocolate...ice cream/frozen yogurt, candy, M&M's, milkshakes, cookies, cake, ....
*Rainy Days when I can stay home and be lazy
*Being organized!
*Checking off a list
*A cold glass of milk
*A long walk in the woods
*Dinner or Lunch with good friends
*Double Rainbows
*Aurora Borealis
*A Good Hairday
*Dressing up with somewhere to go
*Beach scents
*Walking on the beach Barefoot!!
*Watching Dolphins play
*Camping on the Hill
*My front porch swing
There is much more to add to my list but this will get you started!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Happy, Healthy...and Life Changing
Tonight I sit here listening to an awesome Perry Noble sermon!! You really should check out perrynoble.com and New Spring Church. This is the first sermon I've ever listened to and its really great!!
Life is good again! Yesterday I was off work and went on a cleaning frenzy! Pulled a bunch of stuff out to get rid of and cleaned up a bunch of other stuff!! Still working on cleaning up the office and straightening up the kitchen cupboards/pantry! Too much junk!!
I met a good friend of mine yesterday for coffee (thanks Amanda M!) and just enjoyed some girl talk for an hour. It was great to just relax and enjoy each others company! Today I hung out with my other good friend -Amanda L :-)-, her baby Ladybug (a golden retriever), and her hubby, Joey. Amanda is teaching piano lessons on Monday and I hung out during her down time. Life without friends just isn't life! :)
Tomorrow is back to the work grind. I don't really mind because I love my job, but it's just the matter of getting back on routine. My weekends usually start at noon on Saturday's because I usually work Saturday AM (4 hours) and normally have Monday's off. Pretty cool to have a weekday off and be able to do "weekday" stuff (bank errands, etc).
I am really excited about 2009! I really believe that this is going to be an awesome year! God has been good to us even when we haven't been able to see it. He has blessed us financially and with good jobs---which in turns means that, as long as we are careful with our money, we can get debt paid down/off, keep our bills paid on time, buy groceries AND gas (haha), and actually put a little bit of money in savings!!
I'm also excited for 2009 because I am a part of Catalyst...which will be and is, the newest "church on the block"!!! This will not be your normal, average, traditional church! Life changing is what Catalyst will be!! Real, in-your-face, straight from the Bible teaching! Taking Jesus to the community instead of trying to bring the community to Jesus. This is going to be so awesome and I am just sooo excited!!! Want more information? Just ask!
Next weekend I should be getting my piano! It's not exactly what I was looking for but you know what? It plays and thats what matters!! There are so many nights where, instead of typing away on the computer (or wandering aimlessly through the internet), I have wanted to plink away on the piano! Now I will be able to!! No, I'm not a great pianist, but I enjoy trying!
This is a long blog, no plan to it, just rambling!
I just can't help feeling excited! No particular reason really!! "Something good is about to happen!"
I'm ready to get my physical house in order. To clean out the clutter so we're not consumed by it. To get rid of the junk that is just sitting around catching dust. To be organized again so I'm not scrounging when it's time to pay the bills, buy the groceries, run the errands, or have to leave town suddenly. I'm ready to get my t-shirt quilt started AND completed. I'm ready to finish out some scrapbooks and get them into albums. I'm ready to dig deeper into Christ--start reading my Bible more than just on Sunday--memorize Scripture this year!!! It has been many years since I've made it a point to memorize Scripture. Remember in Sunday School when whoever memorized the memory verse got a prize? Thats the urgency I want to have this year! My prize is Heaven--"I press on toward the goal..." I'm ready to get my house painted (inside). I'm ready to get as much debt paid off as possible this year! I'm ready to help my husband get started with the fishing tournaments he has signed up for this year! I'm ready to help him make it a success! I'm ready to get myself back in shape--to feel better about myself, to be healthier, to be content in my own skin. I'm ready to try new recipes, read new books, enjoy the glorious outdoors, take my dog for a run on the beach, relax with my hunny!
I don't want to be regretting things in 2009! I don't want to be saying "what if?". I dont want to look back and see so many opportunities that I missed. I don't want to miss opportunities to hang out with family, visit with friends, go see my Grandma (in GA), and cuddle with my dog and cat.
I'm so excited about life right now. I have at least 2 books that I want to write this year and I want to find a "real" publisher for all 3. PWYP is coming up in April and I cannot wait for that. That is my main vacation for this year and its up to a week in the woods of NC with 80+ men, women, children, and dogs learning new survival skills and trading survival tools.
As I end this note of excitement, I want to encourage each of you to dream big! Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars! ~~God Bless~~
Sunday, January 4, 2009
More thoughts on 2009
More goals to accomplish in 2009:
*Start and Finish my T-shirt quilt
*Cook more and Eat out Less
*Try at least 1 new recipe a month (that's progress for me!!)
*Walk 30 min or more at least 3 times a week
*Rough draft the 3 books in my head
*Research book publishers (seriously)
*Start on online bookstore--which will hopefully become a "brick & mortar" store one day!
*Find pictures for all the frames from our wedding
I think that if I put these out in the open, I will have a better chance at accomplishing them! For one, I can go back and read them and for two, I know that many people will have read them and wonder if I am checking them off my list or not. I expect ya'll to ask me often throughout the year where I am at on my goals. Of course if you have any advice or suggestions I am open to those, too!!
*Start and Finish my T-shirt quilt
*Cook more and Eat out Less
*Try at least 1 new recipe a month (that's progress for me!!)
*Walk 30 min or more at least 3 times a week
*Rough draft the 3 books in my head
*Research book publishers (seriously)
*Start on online bookstore--which will hopefully become a "brick & mortar" store one day!
*Find pictures for all the frames from our wedding
I think that if I put these out in the open, I will have a better chance at accomplishing them! For one, I can go back and read them and for two, I know that many people will have read them and wonder if I am checking them off my list or not. I expect ya'll to ask me often throughout the year where I am at on my goals. Of course if you have any advice or suggestions I am open to those, too!!
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